
::imaginative introspection::

Imagine that all life is an illusion. All that exists is this moment. No past, no future, each memory, every plan, a part of the illusion. Life, in a photograph.

Do you like the image of yourself?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ghost in the Forest

I typically don't give directions on how my work should be read, but this one is an exception.  Read slowly aloud in a deep, spooky voice that stretches the vowels, as though you are slowly slipping into a deep madness.  

in the land of quicksand
your soul is lost in eternal time
the more you struggle and thrash around
the deeper you sink into the ground

if you stop and just float 
you may later boast 
to living a life quite long
if within controlled chaos 
you see reason and choice
you may yet find the way out
just follow this voice:

in the land of quicksand
your soul is lost in eternal time
the more you struggle and thrash around
the deeper you sink into the ground


  1. I like the structure and the flow. And, I read it the way you've asked your readers too. This appeals to me. Good job!!! Keep writing!!!

  2. i love it!! cant wait to read more :) btw i think you should change your occupation from ecology to english teacher lol :)
    fun :)

  3. @Brosreview-- Thanks so much for all your comments and kind words!

    @Amanda--glad you do, can't WAIT to tell you the backstory. And you know, I thought about that for a long time, but I'm far too much of a treehugger!
